Thursday, March 29, 2007

monsanto brand ethanol

Why Monsanto loves ethanol - Salon - wait for ad
For some time, How the World Works has been convinced that the rush to biofuels will significantly boost the ongoing rollout of genetically modified organisms. There's just too much money at stake in the energy business for it to be otherwise. The popularity of the latest biotech crops is a perfect illustration of this. These seeds aren't cheap -- they are top-of-the-line products. But for well-financed farmers and industrial-scale agribusinesses aiming to cash in on ethanol demand, seed costs are not a significant barrier. It seems reasonable to expect, in the not-too-distant future, quadruple- and quintuple- and sextuple-stacked hybrids that do all kinds of fancy things such as incorporate herbicide resistance, targeted pesticides, and modifications that make the corn cheaper and easier to industrially transform into ethanol.

Another reason to kill subsidies for ethanol. Amber waves of intellectual property set to line the pockets of Monsanto.

I guess, in sum, it is a fine thing that humans won't be eating this stuff. Especially since it can only be a matter of time before a sprinkling of human DNA ends up in the corn along with the rest of the genetic melange.

Ear of corn, ear of man, who is counting.


At 4:21 AM, March 29, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point monkeygrinder. Sorry for the shameless self-promotion, although I suspect you and your readers may find something of interest here, and here. Best.

At 11:21 PM, March 30, 2007, Blogger @whut said...

Apparently some people think the disappearance of honey bees is related to Monsanto's GM foods.

I don't believe it quite myself. Bad news if it did wipe out the bee population though.

At 2:54 PM, March 31, 2007, Blogger rob said...

Good post monkeygrinder. I'm pro ethanol myself but I despise Monsanto and GMO's - now I'm conflicted.

Fuel Ghoul (my blog) endorses corn fed ethanol as a necessary first step in a short evolution toward cellulosic ethanol made from switch grass, corn stover and forestry waste. Monsanto be damned.

At 6:37 PM, March 31, 2007, Blogger JMS said...

Craig: No worries, none of us are doing this by ourselves. Thanks for the links.

wht: Bees are more important than oil. As to whether GM is doing it - Needs to be investigated, the latest high tech corn has insect protection built in. Now why wouldn't this affect the pollinator - remember it is an exchange, the bee gets food, they are literally eating the GMO organism which has been modified to be resistant to insects... seems risky at best. I think it is a combination of factors and a tipping point, which we have already crossed.

Thanks for your post. Be careful - the enemy of your enemy is not automatically your friend. Ethanol has a shiny green shell, it is very attractive, but when one considers 1.3 EROEI (those are the optimistic numbers for corn ethanol I believe) That fraction expresses the true amount of fuel you get out of one acre of wholesome food - pretty slender. The essential problem is acreage is finite.

cellosic, I'll analyze, when it is operational.


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