Tuesday, May 03, 2005

unexamined ethanol input: water

Via Resource Insights: THE CLIMATE OF MAN—II
(Rind) mentioned a visit that President Bush’s science adviser, John Marburger, had paid to giss a few years earlier. “He said, ‘We’re really interested in adaptation to climate change,’ ” Rind recalled. “Well, what does ‘adaptation’ mean?”
(Rind) found that as carbon-dioxide levels rose the world began to experience more and more serious water shortages, starting near the equator and then spreading toward the poles. When he applied the index to the GISS model for doubled CO2, it showed most of the continental United States to be suffering under severe drought conditions.
“We may say that we’re more technologically able than earlier societies. But one thing about climate change is it’s potentially geopolitically destabilizing. And we’re not only more technologically able; we’re more technologically able destructively as well. I think it’s impossible to predict what will happen. I guess—though I won’t be around to see it—I wouldn’t be shocked to find out that by 2100 most things were destroyed.” (Rind) paused. “That’s sort of an extreme view.”

Some people in the peak oil community seem to de-couple climate change from the discussion of our energy future.

I find that to be a BushCoian approach - To me, global warming is the ugly sister of coal lovely and petrol fabulous. But by all means, let's make it safe to burn more carbon. Let's "adapt". Dang, I ripped the irony bang right off my keyboard.

Meanwhile, with the western drought still variously in effect, and noting the weird "climate change-esque" splashes of rain in Death Valley this year, reality is melting glaciers, changing springtime, buckling the tundra, and licking the last delicious drops of snow off of Kilimanjaro.

With the climate change induced possibility of persistant drought in the U.S. one wonders just how much water will vasty fields of ethanol corn even have available?

What a world. Too bad EROEI on baby boomers is so abysmal.


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